Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed
Supervised Probation Services
Professional And Experienced Probation Services
You've Come To The Right Place
The purpose of Supervised Probation Services is to provide supervision of misdemeanor offenders giving a court sentencing alternatives without burdening the clerical staff. We also provide accountability for the courts. Another area of focus for our agency is a variety of drug and alcohol testing and compliance options for both criminal and civil cases.
Monthly reports to a probation officer also provide an opportunity for offenders to look at their lives and what situation brought them to the court and acts as a reminder that they do not want to do this again. At the time of arrest, an offender will often say “never again”, but we find that decision gets diluted with time. If that same offender has to report for regular probation appointments and comply with special conditions of probation, he will hang on to that “never again” mentality a little longer (maybe forever).

Over 50 Years Of Experience
We have over 50 years of combined experience in Probation Services
Founded in 1993
We have been serving Northeast Missouri's Probation service needs since 1993
Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed